Monday, April 4, 2011


The Sixth Sense is that portion of the subconscious mind referred as Creative Intelligence.  It is the part of the brain where ideas, plans, thoughts, and epiphanies are received.  All six senses serve a perceptive purpose. Five of the six senses deal with the physical world.  The sixth sense deals with the extrasenory realm of our existance.

Hunches and inspirations are part of the sixth sense. Sometimes thoughts come so fast they are described as flashes. The conscience is a part of the sixth sense.  The sixth sense warns of impending dangers and alerts when opportunities are at hand.  It can open the door to the temple of knowledge that resides beyond physical existence.

An understanding of the sixth sense can only come from meditation, self examination, and mental development that comes from serious thought.

Somewhere in the cell structure of the brain the sixth sense resides.  It is a area of the brain that receives thought vibrations ordinarily called "hunches."  These "hunches" are actually accurate information that comes from sources other than the physical senses.

The understanding of the sixth sense leads to a unique awareness of self, others, and the laws of nature.  Trusting your sixth sense is part of a complete philosophy that can be used by any individual to achieve whatever they ask of life. 

A exceptional level of achievement comes into its fullness only through the mastery of the sixth sense.

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