Friday, March 25, 2011


Fear is a nasty four-letter word that should be considered enemy number one. It is cunning and clever and relentless and a master of disguise. It can come at you in ways that you would never suspect, let alone expect. It is a terrorist whose mission in life is to steal, kill, and destroy your attitude and rob you of every bit of ambition you might possess.

There are eight major forms of fear: the fear of mental incapacity, failure, sickness, poverty, not being loved, loss of love, old age, and death. Each of us at one time or another have had to or are dealing with one or more of these fears. The important issue is not that we have experienced fear, but rather how we handled the confrontation. Did we let fear pick the pocket of our attitude? Did we come away from the encounter stronger or weaker?

Fear, doubt and uncertainty can take control of your life, and they usually do when the person is not equipped to deal with them. How do you equip yourself? By knowing what you want, wanting it sincerely and knowing that it is yours.

There are only two options when dealing with fear: fight or flight. Your choice reveals your belief and expectation. And you will experience the consequences of your choice. The law of attraction is at work.

The dirty little secret is there is nowhere far enough that your fear will not chase you; there is no place secret enough that your fear will not find you; there is not enough money to buy it off. Running only makes a bad situation worst. Every moment you spend running from your fear you are cultivating a seed that gives rise to subsequent similar thoughts. The more you do it, the more negatie energy you release. Instead of calmly processing the situation and rationally identifying solutions, you are feeding the monster with negative energy.  Fear is like a vampire; once it gets its fangs into you it will suck every bit of resolve out of you, and destroy your self-respect in the process.

There is only one way to effectively overcome fear: face it head-on. There is a verse in the Bible (James 4:7) that says: "resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Confront your fear with courage and positive affirmations. Tell yourself that you have the power and capacity to handle any situation that is thrown at you, and the fear will flee from you. It might be difficult at first, but don't let not your heart be troubled; rather use the confrontation to strengthen your determination. And once the fear is gone rejoice in your new-found strength, courage, and freedom.

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